Mobile Apps & Mobile Responsive Web

Lindzie mobility provides user seamless fleet visibility and control on-the-go.

Feature-rich mobile and web applications provides fleet managers bird-eye-view of operation and status in real-time.

Mobile Apps & Responsive Web

Highly configurable mobile solutions tailored to support your specific business needs

Lindzie mobility includes native mobile app for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets and mobile responsive web applications. You can seamlessly gain insights of all fleets status on a single pane glass view, while tracking and being notified in real-time from your mobile devices. You can even see in real-time the health of all your fleets through extended capability.


Simplicity is the basis to the mobile user interface without sacrificing the application features and functionalities. You can customize viewing experience in various formats that you are most comfortable with. You can easily switch between screen in one tab.

Choosing a device?

Contact our friendly telematics consultant today to start your fleet management journey.