From fuel usage to fuel fill-ups, Lindzie covers all aspects of fuel to help fleet operators pinpoint and lower unprofitable traveling. Utilizing Lindzie fuel consumption reports, you can now track your fuel consumption and fuel efficiency based on various parameters, including fill-up logs, odometer miles, and expected miles associated to a driver.
Packed with a wide array of reports, and features like presentation options in table and charts, data imports, manual data entry, fleet managers can easily analyze the fleet vehicles fuel consumptions and pinpoint and investigate over any excessive fuel consumption.
Fleet managers can reset trip information on a daily or with data feeds from telematics devices, which allow them to measure fuel consumption based on variables and conditional logics, such as driving time, continuous driving, and engine hours.
The fuel level monitoring makes use of the telematics devices to send resistance data to Lindzie server for further processing before rendering the fuel level readings in user-defined unit of measurement, such as liter, gallon, etc. Fleet managers can make use of the graphical presentation, in graphs, for actionable analysis. Through rules-based configuration, fleet managers can receive notifications, for example, when fuel level runs too high or too low.
The fuel theft alarm detects possible fuel theft, loss or leakage based on your defined consumption level under normal operating conditions. Fleet managers will receive real-time notifications, indicating the location of the incident, when fuel consumption irregularity occurs.
Be it odometer tampering, or false fuel consumption declaration, Lindzie foolproof reports can help you correctly identify the root cause to your exorbitant fuel bills.
Most organizations trust their employees and would let them manually record the fuel fill-ups. The fuel consumption logbook utilizes the expected fuel consumption thresholds defined by fleet manager to correlate them with device-captured odometer readings. Table and graphical reports can be generated for better actionable insight.