OBD-II Tracking Devices

Plug-and-play installation, powerful diagnostic abilities for analyzing your driving data.

The OBD-II Tracking Devices are widely used across wide range of vehicle fleets because of its plug-and-play nature without the need of rewiring. Through telematics data capture through vehicle’s diagnostic, the OBD II tracking devices provide simple assets misuse and management.

Smartphones and Tablets
AirLinkMP70The AirLink® MP70 is a high performance, LTE-Advanced vehicle router developed specifically for mobile mission critical applications in public safety, transit and field services.OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, Wifi, GLONASS
ANTZER TECHRIFA-BANTZER TECH’s Automotive-Grade RIFA vehicle tracker provides a compact, economic, easy plug and track dongle for fleet management market. Can bus, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire
AplicomA9 NEXThe multifunctional but small in size and shape A9 NEX make it easy to install in all types of vehicles. Versatile in features with internal antennas (GPS/GLONASS & GPRS) save installation time and costs. Garmin FMI, CANBUS, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor
Arventoimt.24Due to its compact design, it can be installed directly to the OBD connector. ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery
ATrackAK11Ideal for the Transportation industry and various fleet applications, and includes interfaces for OBDII, J1939, and J1708. Heavy-duty engine vehicle, construction equipment, public safety vehicles. OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire
ATrackAX5OBDII CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Fuel Sensor
ATrackAX7AX7 is a vehicle Telematics unit that easily plugs into a vehicle’s OBDII port for simple plug-and-play installation. CANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer
ATrackAX7POBDII HSPA GPS Tracker CANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer
ATrackAX9AX9 is an optional 2G/3G GPS tracking unit with OBD-II Interface and plug-n-play installation CANBUS, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Fuel Sensor
Baltic Car EquipmentFM Blue+RS232 / EIA485 / 1-Wire / 4x digital / 3x analog inputs, 3 outputs CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, SOS
CalAmpLMU-200OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire
CalAmpLMU-2000OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery
CalAmpLMU-2030OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer
CalAmpLMU-300OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire
CalAmpLMU-3000ODBII - can deliver vehicle bus data in accumulators 
CalAmpLMU-3030OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, CDMA
CalAmpLMU-3035OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer
CalAmpLMU-3200OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, CDMA
CalAmpLMU-4520OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, CDMA
CalAmpLMU-600OBDII, Internal Battery
CalAmpLMU-700OBDII, External GPS Antenna, CDMA
CalAmpLMU-800OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, CDMA, Internal battery 
CobanGPS306OBD II, Plug and Play 
ConcoxGT230OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer
Erco & GenerGenLoc 53eCANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire
ERMStarLink TrackerStarLink Tracker is designed for application in high end tracking and telematics CANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, Internal Battery, SOS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor
FalcomFOX-ENCANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery
FalcomFOX-INCANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery
FALCOMFOX3GPS+Galileo/GLONASS CANBUS, OBDII, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire
FalcomFOX3-3GFOX3-3G is a compact, all-in-one device combining 2G/UMTS/HSPA high-speed data communication with the latest GNSS technology. CANBUS, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS
FalcomSTEPPIII-UXCANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna
GlobalSatTR-600CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna
GosafeSniper G797Connects to OBDII, can read DTC codes, Fuel Sensor
iTriangleOn Board Diagnostics-OBD IIA GPS-GSM based Tracking and Monitoring System with OBD-II( Onboard Vehicle Diagnostics standards, CANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS
MaxtrackIDP-780CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, Satellite
Meiligao / MeitrackTC68OBDII, CANBUS, OBD, Fuel Sensor
Meiligao / MeitrackTC68SG3G Plug & Play Vehicle GPS Tracker, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS
Mobile DevicesMunic.BoxC4 OBD2 Dongle – Munic.Box, The first entirely programmable OBD2 solution. OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery
MyTrackerMYT-S5CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, Satellite
NaviZOTF3CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire
NaviZOTF5CANBUS, OBD, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire
NoranNR032CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna
NyiTechNT-183GNT-183G is an OBD GPS dongle which provide positioning, tracking , car status checking and driving behavior analyzing function. With its plug and play design, the dongle can easily connect with OBD port to acquire real time data , such as car position, car status, carDTC, driving behavior data. And all these information will be upload via GSM/GPRS to server for further analysis, statistics , storage and more extensive application. OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, SOS, GLONASS, Satellite
NyiTechNT-183W (3G)NT-183W (3G) is an vehicle-mounted dongle which provide real time positioning and tracking function, vehicle status checking function and driving behavior analysis function. With plug and play design, it can easily connect with vehicle OBD port, getting real time data and transmit data via WCDMA/GSM to fixed backend server for terminal application. OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, SOS, GLONASS
OrionOBDTracCANBUS, OBD, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire
QueclinkGV500OBD Vehicle Tracking Device, CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery
QueclinkGV500VCCDMA2000 1xRTT OBD Vehicle Tracking Device, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery
QueclinkGV500WWCDMA OBD Vehicle Tracking Device, CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, CDMA
RikalineGpsLogisticProCANBUS, OBD
RuptelaFM-Plug4OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer
SierraMG90OBDII, Wifi, GLONASS, CDMA high performance LTE-Advanced vehicle multi-networking platform 
Sierra WirelessAirLink GX450LTE Wireless Gateway, Garmin FMI, OBDII, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, Satellite
Sierra WirelessGNX-6Fleet Tracking with Low Energy Bluetooth and CAN/J1708/1939 Technology, CANBUS, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire
SinocastelIDD-212GCANBUS, OBD
SinocastelIDD-213GCANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery
SkyWaveIDP-780 flexCANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, Satellite
SuntechST500Multiprotocol OBD II Tracker, Internal Battery
SuntechSTU650Multiprotocol OBD II Tracker, Internal Battery
SysTechCAREU UCANDTC OBD II error codes 
CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, Fuel Sensor
SysTechCAREU UgoDTC OBD II error codes 
CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery
SysTechCAREU UT1OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS, Satellite, iButton / 1-Wire
TeltonikaFM1010OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS
TeltonikaFM3001Advanced Plug and Track real-time tracking terminal with GNSS, 3G and Blue-tooth connectivity, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery
TeltonikaFM5500CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS
TOPFLYTECHT8608TOPFLYTECH T8608 is an easy OBDII plug and play tracker with internal GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity. 
OBDII, External GSM / GPRS Antenna
TOPFLYTECHT8608DTOPFLYTECH T8608D is an easy OBDII plug and play tracker with GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity. 
TOPFLYTECHTLD1-A/TLD1-ELTE CAT-M1(eMTC)/CAT-NB1(NB-IoT) easy install OBDII tracking device designed for insurance, car leasing and real-time monitoring applications. 
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS
TOPFLYTECHTLD1-E/DEeasy install OBDII tracking device designed for insurance, car leasing and real-time monitoring applications 
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS
TrimbleTM3000CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, SOS, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire
UlbotechUlbotech 360 / T36xVehicle GPS Tracker T360 is an advanced tracking device with OBD port design 
UlbotechUlbotech 370 / T37x3G WCDMA GPS Tracker, OBDII
XirgoXT-2000GVersatile plug and play OBD II device that directly monitors and communicates vital vehicle information